January 15th- NO SCHOOL
It was nice to see all the smiling faces returning to school after a long and cold winter break. I'm excited for all the new learning and fun we will have in 2018!
Although it was a short week back we still fit in a ton of learning that the children were very excited about!
We finished up a unit on "Small Moments" during our reading and writing workshop. Make sure to look for a yellow folder that will be coming home, which is filled with your children's small moment writng pieces.
We've begun to focus on features of Non-Fiction books during our readers workshop. To get this unit started we compared fiction and non-fiction books and sorted them into two piles. We then added some non-fiction books to our book bags so we can use them as we develop new reading habits. The children were super excited! We'll use what learn and apply it to non-fiction writing.
Before vacation, in math workshop, we had our end of unit test, or as I call it our "Celebration of learning" This went great! We did lots of fact power this week, which the students love!
*We filled our class heart bucket and dumped the hearts into the heart monitor on Thursday, January 4th. We planned on having Pajama day and hot chocolate, Friday, January 5th as our celebration. Due to the snow day this didn't happen and will be rescheduled for this Tuesday, January 9th.
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