Sunday, October 20, 2019


During readers workshop students continued building stamina with readers to myself.  We also practiced reading with partners.  The children also practiced this skill while kids took turns meeting with me for conferencing.


In math we started working on addition and subtraction story problems.  As mathematicians we had to think about what was happening in the story to know if we were going to put the numbers togerther(add) or take the numbers apart(subtract).  The children are working on writing an equation and representing our thinking in an organized way.

Story Teller/Author:

We were able to see the amazing storyteller/author Bill Jameson last Monday. He told us a a story about a unicorn king. The kids and adults enjoyed every minute of his story.

JFK Heart Ambassador

At the whole school morning meeting on Friday, students from every class, K-5, were chosen to receive the JFK Heart Ambassador award. Congratulations to Jayden ans Nylah!

We learned about germs and how to do proper hand washing with Nurse Liz!  We are germ busters!

Dates to remember:

*October 24 - Picture Retake Day
*October 24 & 25 - Early Dismissal 11:00 (activities available with prior sign-up)
*November 13 - PTO Meeting
*November 15 - All School Morning Meeting 8:15
*November 17 - PTO Craft Fair
*November 21- Early Dismissal; No student activities; Parent/Teacher     Conferences 12-8
*November 22- Early Dismissal; No student activities; Parent/Teacher Conferences 12-3
*November 25 - 29 - No School for Thanksgiving Break

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Well the first six weeks of school was a huge success.  We focused on learning routines and expectations.  We will continue to work on these skills throughout the year.

This week we read another one of my favorite books:  One by Kathryn Otoshi.  This a a book about about bullying and how we need to stand up for ourselves and showing that everyone counts!  After reading the book, we watched a video of the author reading the story and kids acting out the book.  Then we acted it out ourselves.  We had a blast!

The students continued to choosing "just right" books and increase the amount of independent and partner reading.  We also practiced what it looks like and sounds like during reader's workshop.

In math we continued comparing numbers and started making representations on paper to show our thinking.  We ended the week with some work with story problems.  We worked on sharing our thinking with our partners.

Important Dates:
October 8 - No School
October 16 - PTO Meeting
October 18- All School Morning Meeting
October 24 - Picture Retake Day
October 24 - Early Dismissal
October 25 - Early Dismissal