Sunday, November 4, 2018

We have had another great week in first grade.  We read some Halloween books, made some fun projects and even made a yummy spider snack on Halloween.

We have started reading groups this week.  In reading groups and when I conference with children I  will teach children strategies that they can use when reading.  We continue to work on what it looks like and sounds like during this time.  We learned two new reading habits this week, Taking a sneak peek before you start read and that Readers do something at the end of their book (reread the whole story, reread your favorite part, retell your story).

In math we are starting to wrap up our first unit.  We have been practicing all skills mixed together: representing numbers in an organized way, comparing two sums, solving story problems (addition, subtraction, and combination and adding numbers in the number line.  We even had time to learn a new game!


We read the book, The Rainbow Fish, a book about the value of being an individual, a couple of weeks ago and finally got our shiny new scales on our fish!

Dates to Remember:

  • No School, Friday, 11/19
  • 12:15 dismissal, Wednesday 11/14
  • Parent/Teacher Conferences, Monday 11/19 (More info to come)
  • Thanksgiving Break-NO School Monday 11/19(conferences) - Friday 11/23